Free Version

4.1.0 (20 July 2023)

  • New Feature – Added keyword filter to enable product filtering using keywords
  • Compatibility – Ensured plugin compatibility with WordPress 6.0
  • UI Enhancement – Improved the admin user interface

4.0.0 (15 June 2023)

  • Redesigned Admin UI: We have revamped the plugin’s admin interface to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. You’ll find it easier than ever to configure and manage your product filters.
  • Codebase Refactoring: We have refactored the codebase to optimize performance and lay a solid foundation for future enhancements.
  • Filter-Form Association: Filters are now linked to a form. This means that filters are contained within a specific form, simplifying management and organization. The form shortcode is now used to display all filters linked to that form on the frontend.
  • Additional Settings: We have introduced additional settings that offer you more control over your filters.
  • Bug Fixes: We have diligently addressed and fixed several bugs reported by our valued users. These fixes contribute to a more stable and reliable plugin performance.

3.3.2 (04 January 2023)

  • Prevent redirect to product page while filtering on the search page and getting a single result.
  • Fix SQL error caused by joining alias

3.3.1 (27 September 2022)

  • Make it compatible with woo-variation-swatches

3.3.0 (13 September 2022)

  • Feature – Option to specify user roles for post author filter

3.2.0 (01 August 2022)

  • Fix – custom loading image issue

3.1.0 (29 July 2022)

  • Fix – loading image upload button js issue
  • Fix – product sorting via ajax issue
  • Fix – products count result not updating issue

3.0.0 (17 July 2022)

  • Release pro version
  • Refactor the plugin


  • Fixed bug – ‘wcapf_get_term_objects’ function was working incorrectly


  • Added option to disable transients
  • Added option to clear transients


  • Fixed filtering bugs on product taxonomy pages
  • Added more functionality to price filter display type list widget
  • Added option to enable/disable font awesome
  • Updated localization


  • Fixed PHP version related issue
  • Fixed translation and localization issue
  • Fixed compatibility issue with WooCommerce Average Rating Filter
  • Added functionality to filter products by price list
  • Added functionality to clear all active filters with one click


  • Initial release
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