
A form is mainly a collection of filters and determines on which page to show the filters in the front end. The default location of a form is Product archive pages.

Form Settings

TitleThe title of the form to identify it, it’s only visible in the admin area.
Available onDetermines where you want to show the form to filter the products.
PriorityForms with higher priority will be shown first when multiple forms are found on a page.
Enable clear filterWhether to show a button in each filter to clear the active options.

Available on

The field Available on supports inheritance from the parent term. Suppose you have a product category “Computers & Accessories” and it has child categories “Desktops”, and “Laptops”. If you select “Computers & Accessories” as the location of the form then the child categories also inherit the form.

If you want to show a different form for “Desktops” then you need to create another form and set this category as the location of the form.

List of Forms

Navigate to WCAPF > Forms. There you can see the list of forms. If there is no form, you will see a message “You don’t have any forms yet.”

Deleting a Form

In the list of forms table, you can see the delete buttons to delete the form. When you click the delete button, you will see a confirm dialog. The deletion is permanent. It will delete all the filters inside the form.

Duplicating a Form

It is a pro feature. In the list of forms table, you can see a button for each form to duplicate it. When you click the duplicate button, you will see a confirm dialog. It will duplicate the form with all the filters inside the form and the form settings.

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